Neuralink Brain chip - Elon Musk

This Pandemic 2020 has brought us into a tech-centric era. From the fan outside to the neuralink-chip inside. Yes, you read it correct, neuralink-chip inside our body. Elon Musk the CEO of SpaceX is planning to shock the world again with his new project "Neuralink Brain Chip " he has claimed that his new project allows the human to hear the sounds that were previously impossible to be heard by human ears.

The main aim of this project Is to provide a direct connection of the brain to the computer.  This chip could allow us to stream music directly to our brain effortlessly.  Later on, it also could help us in medical sciences. He said that in future this chip could also cure the blindness by implanting the link into the visual cortex, treating conditions like anxiety, depression and addiction by stimulating the hormone level. This chip will be implanted in your head by the normal surgical practice.

Will it be safe to link a chip inside your skull and being the first generation of human-robot "CYBORG"? 

What if, human do not stay human anymore and end up being a robo?

What if, your thought are not yours anymore?

What if, what you think is not exactly what you want to think?

What if, your body doesn't listen to you but a chip and programing you have?



                      "THE FUTURE IS REALLY WEIRD"


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